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Conjugación de educate

to educateeducar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I educateyo educo
you educatetú educas
he educatesél educa
she educatesella educa
we educatenosotros educamos
you educatevosotros educáis
they educateellos educan
they educateellas educan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I educatedyo eduqué
you educatedtú educaste
he educatedél educó
she educatedella educó
we educatednosotros educamos
you educatedvosotros educasteis
they educatedellos educaron
they educatedellas educaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have educatedyo he educado
you have educatedtú has educado
he has educatedél ha educado
she has educatedella ha educado
we have educatednosotros hemos educado
you have educatedvosotros habéis educado
they have educatedellos han educado
they have educatedellas han educado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had educatedyo había educado
you had educatedtú habías educado
he had educatedél había educado
she had educatedella había educado
we had educatednosotros habíamos educado
you had educatedvosotros habíais educado
they had educatedellos habían educado
they had educatedellas habían educado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will educateyo educaré
you will educatetú educarás
he will educateél educará
she will educateella educará
we will educatenosotros educaremos
you will educatevosotros educaréis
they will educateellos educarán
they will educateellas educarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have educatedyo habré educado
you will have educatedtú habrás educado
he will have educatedél habrá educado
she will have educatedella habrá educado
we will have educatednosotros habremos educado
you will have educatedvosotros habréis educado
they will have educatedellos habrán educado
they will have educatedellas habrán educado

I would educateyo educaría
you would educatetú educarías
he would educateél educaría
she would educateella educaría
we would educatenosotros educaríamos
you would educatevosotros educaríais
they would educateellos educarían
they would educateellas educarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have educatedyo habría educado
you would have educatedtú habrías educado
he would have educatedél habría educado
she would have educatedella habría educado
we would have educatednosotros habríamos educado
you would have educatedvosotros habríais educado
they would have educatedellos habrían educado
they would have educatedellas habrían educado

Participio presenteAnotado
educating educando

Participio pasadoAnotado
educated educado

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